Legenda Joko Tarub

Legenda Joko Tarub

 Sekali waktu ada seorang janda yang tinggal di desa Dadapan. Dia memiliki seorang putra yang bernama Joko Tarup. Dadapan Desa dekat dengan kayu sehingga Joko Tarup suka pergi ke kayu. Dia menyukai berburu untuk hewan dengan sumpitan nya.
Suatu hari ketika ia berada di kayu ia melihat pelangi yang indah dan ia melihat tujuh malaikat turun melalui itu."Wow ... Betapa menakjubkan itu, pelangi berwarna-warni hm ... itu begitu indah dan apa yang mereka? O ... Mereka adalah malaikat, ya ... malaikat. Saya tidak bisa percaya.Lalu, ia datang mendekat dan mencari mereka. Dalam fakta, tujuh malaikat berenang dan mandi di danau. Joko Tarup memandang mereka sambil bersembunyi di balik pohon. Ketika mereka telah selesai mandi, mereka terbang melalui pelangi ke surga. Joko kagum para malaikat dan dia tidak bisa melupakan apa yang dilihatnya.
Keesokan harinya ia melihat hal yang sama lagi. Kali ini Joko Tarup punya ide.'Aha! Saya memiliki ide cemerlang, ya ... Saya benar-benar berharap bahwa salah satu malaikat bisa menjadi istriku, itu akan menjadi bagus. Jadi, saya pikir saya akan mencuri salah satu dari gaun malaikat '. Ya ... itu benar. "Lalu, ia mencari pakaian mereka dan ketika ia menemukan mereka ia mengambil salah satu dari mereka. Ketika mereka telah selesai berenang dan mandi, mereka mencari pakaian mereka. Salah satu dari mereka tidak bisa menemukan gaunnya."Oh ... teman-teman saya, saya tidak bisa menemukan gaun saya.""Bagaimana hal itu bisa terjadi? Apa yang harus kita lakukan sekarang? Kita harus g o rumah sebelum pelangi menghilang."O.. O ... o ... Aku tidak tahu. Aku benar-benar kesal karena ini.'Teman baik saya, kami sangat menyesal atas apa yang telah terjadi, tetapi kita harus meninggalkan Anda sendirian di sini. Jaga dirimu .... "'Oh, no ... no ... no ..., jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri silahkan, saya ingin kembali'"Maaf, Anda tidak bisa 'Teman-temannya datang kembali ke surga sehingga mereka meninggalkannya. Dia menangis sementara tinggal di dalam air. Joko Tarup mendekatinya. Dan dia bersembunyi di balik sebuah batu besar."Kenapa kamu menangis wanita?""Saya kehilangan baju saya jadi saya tidak bisa pulang '"Dimana rumah Anda?""Saya tinggal di surga. Aku malaikat. Nama saya adalah Nawang Wulan. Tapi saya kehilangan baju saya jadi saya tidak bisa terbang lagi '"Jika Anda tidak keberatan saya akan mengambil gaun ibuku untuk Anda ''OK, jangan'"Tunggu di sini, aku akan kembali '
Kemudian Joko Tarup pulang untuk mengambil baju ibunya dan memberikannya kepada Nawang Wulan. Dia meminta dia untuk tinggal di rumahnya dengan ibunya. Tidak lama setelah itu Tarup Joko menikahi Nawang Wulan.
Sebagai malaikat Nawang Wulan memiliki kekuatan spiritual. Dia memiliki kemampuan yang jauh di atas manusia. Dia bisa memasak nasi dengan hanya sebuah bar beras dan ketika itu telah melakukan mangkuk akan penuh beras. Tapi ada satu syarat. Mangkuk tidak boleh dibuka sebelum itu telah dilakukan."Suami tercinta saya, jangan lepaskan tutup mangkuk ketika sedang memasak. Karena Anda menghapusnya, kekuatan sihir saya akan hilang. Saya melakukan ini karena kita bisa bijaksana dan kami tentu saja tidak kekurangan makanan."Okey, aku akan berjanji 'Joko Tarup sangat terkejut dengan kemampuan istrinya itu. Dia sangat ingin tahu tentang hal itu. Jadi ketika Nawang Wulan pergi ia membuka mangkuk"Saya tidak percaya itu, hanya sebuah bar beras?! Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di dalam mangkuk? Aku benar-benar ingin tahu. "Akibatnya kekuatan spiritual Nawang menghilang. Dia harus memasak sebagai manusia biasa.Beberapa bulan kemudian Nawang Wulan melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan yang cantik. Namanya Nawang Sih. Kelahiran Nawang Sih menambahkan kebahagiaan Joko Tarup dan Nawang Wulan. Dia digunakan untuk menyanyi untuk bayi baru mereka.Karena Nawang Wulan tidak bisa memasak efisien lagi, dia membutuhkan lebih banyak beras daripada biasanya. Stok beras di kamar toko mereka berkurang dengan cepat. Kemudian suatu hari ketika ia mengambil beras ada dia sangat terkejut. Nawang Wulan menemukan gaun malaikat nya. Itu tersembunyi di sana di bawah tumpukan beras. Dia segera memakainya dan berbicara dengan Joko Tarup.'Suami tercinta saya, sekarang aku tahu apa yang kau lakukan padaku. Saya tidak percaya, kok bisa? ""Maafkan aku, Sayang. Saya mengakui bahwa saya melakukan ini karena aku mencintaimu '"Aku juga mencintaimu. Tapi sekarang aku menemukan gaunku. Aku harus kembali ke surga. Aku seorang malaikat. Tempat saya tidak ada di sini. Aku harus pergi sekarang '.'Bagaimana Nawang Sih? Dia membutuhkan Anda '"Aku akan meninggalkan dia, tapi jangan khawatir. Saya akan merawatnya. Setiap kali dia membutuhkan saya, saya akan berada di sini. Untuk itu silahkan membangun menara. Ketika Nawang Sih tangisan menempatkan dia di sana kemudian memanggil nama saya. Aku akan datang segera. Tapi aku akan terlihat oleh Anda. Good bye sayang '
Kemudian Joko Tarup membangun sebuah menara di belakang rumahnya. Setiap kali Nawang Sih menangis ia akan menempatkan dia di sana. Nawang Wulan akan datang dan mengurus Nawang Sih.

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Judul: Joko Tarub
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Ditulis Oleh Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib
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Legend of Tangkuban Perahu

Legend of Tangkuban Perahu

One day in West Java, Indonesia lived a wise king who had a beautiful daughter. His name is Dayang Sumbi. She likes it very much weaving. After he was weaving when one of the tools he fell to the ground. He was so tired by then that he was too lazy to pick it up. Then she just shouted outloud.
'Who's there? Bring me my tools. I will give a special prize. If you are female, I would consider you as my sister. If you're a man, I'd marry '

Suddenly the male dog, named Tumang, come. He took the tool down. Dayang Sumbi very surprised. She regretted her words but she could not deny it. So he had to marry Tumang and left his father. Then they lived in a small village. A few months later they had a son. His name Sangkuriang. He is a handsome boy and healthy.

Sangkuriang like hunting very much. He often went hunting to the wood using a bow. When he went hunting Tumang always with him. In the past there was a deer in Java so Sangkuriang often hunted for deer.

One day Dayang Sumbi want to have the heart of a deer so he asked Sangkuriang to hunt deer. Sangkuriang then went into the woods with arrows and Tumang faithful dog. But after a few days in the timber Sangkuriang could not find any deer. They all disappeared. Sangkuriang feel tired and discouraged. He did not want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang. He did not know that Tumang was his father. At home he gave his heart to his mother Tumang.

But Dayang Sumbi know that it is the heart that Tumang. He was so angry that he could not control his emotions. He hit his head Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang injured. There is a scar on his head. He also rejected her. Sangkuriang left her in despair.

Many years passed and Sangkuriang into a strong young man. He walked everywhere. One day he arrived in the village itself but she does not realize it. There he met Dayang Sumbi. At that Dayang Sumbi given eternal beauty by God so that he stays young forever. The two did not know each other. So they fall in love and then they decided to get married.

But then Dayang Sumbi recognized Sangkuriang scar on his head. She knows that her son is Sangkuriang. It is impossible for them to marry. He said to her but she did not believe him. He hopes that they get married soon. So Dayang Sumbi give very difficult conditions. He wants Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night! He said he needed it for the honeymoon.
Sangkuriang agree. With the help of jinns and spirits Sangkuriang trying to build them. At midnight he had finished the lake by building a dam on the river Citarum. Then he began to build a boat. It was almost dawn when he nearly finished it. Meanwhile, Dayang Sumbi kept an eye on them. He was very worried when he knew it. So he made the light in the east. Then the spirits thought that it was already dawn. It's time for them to go. They left Sangkuriang only. Without their help he could not finish the boat.
Sangkuriang very angry. He kicked off the boat. Then the boat turned out to be Tangkuban Perahu. This means that the boat overturned. From a distance it looks like an upturned boat.

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Ditulis Oleh Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib
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The Legend of Nawangsih Kudus

The Legend of Nawangsih Kudus

In addition to the sacred tombs of the saints such as Sunan Kudus and Sunan Muria, Ghost has other grave cause diziarahi often considered sacred. One of them is the tomb of Raden Ayu Nawangsih and her lover, Raden Good Rinangku located in the hamlet village Masin Cage Mas, Holy Dawe. The existence of the tomb menyisahkan asked about the figure of Raden Ayu Nawangsih. Various oral stories about his biography Raden Ayu is present.One version tells the story of the daughter of Sunan Muria Nawangsih. As an adult, about to be married with Nawangsih Raden Mas Cebolek (Mbah Mutamakkin) from the Kajen Pati, but Nawangsih rejected because the candidate himself has Raden Good Rinangku, a disciple of Sunan Muria and still is a descendant of Mataram dynasty. Due to reject the wishes of the father, Nawangsih expelled and choose to live in an area that is now called hamlet Masin, who remained on the slopes of Moriah. In place of expulsion, he was accompanied by followers of a supposedly numbered 300 people. There Nawangsih lives happily with Raden Good Rinangku until death. When he died, they were buried by his followers. His followers the solemn funeral in the process turned into teak.Another version states Nawangsih death and Raden Good Rinangku a punishment given to Sunan Muria, Nawangsih father. That said, when Sunan Muria instructed his disciples, Reden Good Rinangku to wait for rice crops being eaten by birds, the Raden actually having sex with her boyfriend, Nawangsih. Rice was consumed with birds (other versions say burning). Sunan Muria who knows negligence and misconduct committed by students and purtinya, shooting arrows from the top of the mountain in the direction of Raden Good Rinangku. Nawangsih who knew her lover's life is in danger, protect it so that the arrow on Nawangsih and also penetrate the body Raden Good Rinangku. The disciples and followers Nawangsih and Raden Good Rinangku suddenly turned into the oak because of a curse Sunan Muria.But in the land of cow's chronicle Slamet Muljana quoted in the book The Collapse of Hindu-Javanese kingdom And the emergence of state-Neraga Islam in Nusantara (2008) mentions Nawangsih is the son of Jake and angel Nawangwulan Tarub. And when mature, married to Bondan Nawangsih Kejawan, son of UB king of Majapahit princess consort Wandan. Of marriage, they gave birth to Jake Tingkir, Pajang ruler.However, irrespective of the various versions of the story about Raden Ayu Nawangsih, communities and audiences around the tomb of the Holy and surrounding stores mystical imagination. Some believe the land where rice plants were guarded by Prince Good Rinangku (which is supposedly located in the western mountains Pati Chicken) no longer can be planted as infertile. Teak trees growing around the tomb and should not be cut down and take home because it could bring disaster or even death. Although wood has been transformed into beads and other objects."Usually, the person who took it will dream encounter ghosts or certain sounds that demand for the timber is returned," said Subandi (49) one of the villagers Masin.Lush landscape around the tomb with the oak contrasting with the surrounding area has been deforested and turned into agricultural land. Teak is the average diameter of one meter is partially covered with parasites. Some have fallen. Average teak "sacred" is circled in white cloth that supposedly as a form pengislaman.Myth of Eternal LoveEpisode romance that became part of the story of Raden Ayu is also a background Nawangsih birth of the myth of permanence of love. It is said that if the husband or wife's lovers to visit the tomb, the relationship will last. This also confirms the ban myth lovers came to the grave of Sunan Muria because it will make their relationship did not last. Because Sunan Muria ending love story and Raden Raden Ayu Nawangsih Good Rinangku

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Judul: Legenda Nawangsih Kudus
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Ditulis Oleh Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib
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Impact of Tourism

Impact of Tourism

Tourism has a positive impact but also thinking about the negative impact, positive impact is job creation increased economic level, avoiding migration of the local population, and increase the level of economic and socio-cultural locals, commercialization of local products, the exchange of ideas and the protection of the environment if done correctly .
Tourism is one of the sectors that benefit for some work, and have a positive impact for imaging a country but also keep in mind that tourism has a negative impact.

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The impact of tourism in terms of the negative effects are as important as the positive impact of increased consumption of land, destruction of water energy, the increase in the production release of land, ecosystem change, change of exotic animal and plant species that are missing from the traditional habits, the rise of prostitution (sex tourism), and narcotrafficking, fire etc..
Type flow contributes to climate change, acid rain and the formation of tropospheric ozone, especially since transportation of tourists by air or road which is one of the major sources of emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that contaminate.
The impact of tourism affects all types of ecosystems such as coastal sometimes crushed by concrete walls, there is a mountain ski station or land made to the golf course, traditional surroundings turned into unnatural who would not want to have to adjust to the needs of tourists.
Type of Tourism
* Tourism beach* Travel Adventure* Tourism Village* City* Eco-tourism* Agro
Other types of tourism, among others may be mentioned, religious sightseeing tourism, event tourism, cultural tourism, etc.
A common problem, regardless of the type of tourism is an increase in the use of resources such as the loss of underground water quality, excessive energy use, environmental contamination, atmospheric pollution, noise, destruction of Biodiversity.
Tourism is a phenomenon that responds to real needs, managers must use tourism revenue source to channel and regulate global impact (emissions by transport) and should fix it, the locals should be noted, preserving Biodiversity, Tourism should promote local production, managing the residual waste tourism, conserve
water, purify water residue, mengemat energy and respect the local population

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Judul: Impact of Tourism
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Ditulis Oleh Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib
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